More help for Refugees and Sponsors
General Process
At launch (called phase 1), the British Refugee Sponsorship does not provide a “matching” service for sponsors and refugees, simply a “register of interest”.
Judging from relevant Facebook groups, most individuals are finding the whole process chaotic, slow and undocumented. There is a detailed list of steps lower down this page.
For “phase 1” the following is true:
All refugees must make an individual visa application
They need to have a named sponsor and jointly submit the application form - one for each refugee
You need passports and documentation
Sponsors and refugees need to find each other and make contact - the government is not doing this.
The situation in Scotland is better. You can submit your visa application without a sponsor, and name the Scottish Government as a sponsor. This means you would come to the country and be given accommodation by the government, and then they will find a home for you to live in with a sponsor. This means you can proceed much more quickly and easily.
How to connect refugees and sponsors
Scottish Government Statement on Fast-tracking applications:
The UK Government, while encouraging sponsorship, requires sponsors and refugees to have named each other, and is not actually providing a “matching” service. However, we’ve listed charitable services are providing matching services opposite.
Reset Communities and Refugees is helping register and match refugees from Ukraine with sponsors across the UK [we are registered here]
Room for Refugees is a Scottish Charity matching sponsors and refugees [we are registered here]
Ukraine Take Shelter - offer your home & search for sponsor listings in your chosen location [we are registered here]
Eu4UA - We match Ukrainian Refugees with European Hosts [we are registered here]
OPORA Homes for Ukraine Scheme Database of Sponsors and Sponsees [we are registered here]
Sanctuary Foundation The Sanctuary Foundation invites you to join us to make a real difference to the lives of Ukrainian people
Organisations with more help for refugees
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees, other forcibly displaced communities and stateless people.
Some Maps of the UK
The UK is a much smaller country than Ukraine, as you can see on the map above.
The UK is about a long from North - South as Ukraine but much, much narrower. Indeed, it is said that in the UK you are never more than about 70 miles from coast.
Tips for Hosts
A growing and magnificent categorised list of links to helpful sites by Tim Kelly
Official UK Gov Guidance for sponsors:
(The following taken from Ukraine-take-shelter)
For hosts, we encourage taking reasonable steps to verify the legitimacy of refugees. Among other things, hosts should try to do a video call with the potential refugee to discuss their situation and may want to ask them to describe their location to verify their identity. Hosts can ask refugees how they are planning to meet up, depending on the regulations of the country. Hosts should ensure that this response is consistent with government policies. Hosts should also ensure that the person they talk with on the phone is the same one they meet with in person.
Hosts will be contacted by refugees directly, so must take steps to avoid scams. It is a host's responsibility to verify the legitimacy of refugees. We cannot and do not validate or research refugees. Please remember your safety is your own responsibility.
Other tips
As your potential sponsee could be in a very volatile environment it makes sense to plan for outages and inability to contact for hours, possibly even days. A dailly “check in” with each other might be helpful even if things cannot be progressed that day.
Many folks are saying that video calls, video tours of their home, sharing map locations etc. are very beneficial. On both side of the equation there is a lot of trust to be built in a very short amount of time.
Things to do while waiting
It’s quite possible you’re in a holding pattern e.g. Visa applications completed and waiting for permission to travel letters. Here are some thoughts on things you can be doing to prepare while you wait.
1) go to doctors and ask for forms to register a new patient - no need to explain anything else just ask for the forms
2) get hold of some PAYG SIM cards for mobile phones
3) print out local bus and train timetables, map out the common routes they might need and find out the fare costs
4) make links with any local Ukrainian communities already in your area
5) check your smoke alarms are all working [note: the local council visit will also check this]
6) For kids, make sure you have parental controls set on your TV streaming and internet connections
7) consider getting some timers on your TV and WiFi so they switch off at night
8) think about what rules you may need or want in your home - write them out and use Google translate to get in Ukrainian
9) research and read up on trauma responses and behaviours.....
10) try to pick up a few key Ukrainian phrases - someone posted a good podcast suggestion yesterday :)
11) get some more house keys cut
12) search your local area to see if you can find polish or Ukrainian shops
13) make a what's app group with all your guests, chat daily and check in with them.
14)if you are welcoming kids into your home make sure you have safe storage for all medications, cleaning materials and toxic items. They will be in bottles and containers that kids will not recognise. High up or lockable cupboards.
15) if you are welcoming women or girls who have reached puberty stock up on a selection of sanitary products and leave them in their rooms.
16) find your local buy nothing groups or free stuff groups on Facebook and get a few t shirts, jumpers, trousers (tracksuit bottoms work well as elasticated waist) that might fit, to tide people over if they arrive with nothing.
17) underwear - have a few packs of spare underwear in sizes that might work....
18) pack away anything you have any significant emotional attachment to. Things will get broken
19) get the forms to register for your local library.
20) block out your time for you. Plan ways for you to keep your hobbies and activities for you.
Safety Tips for Refugees
Safety notes when contacting hosts (taken from )
Please do your own research and contact hosts to confirm authenticity. Report any suspicious listings. We cannot and do not validate or research hosts. We give you possible matches and these safety notes — you have to do the rest. Please remember your safety is your own responsibility.
Among other precautions, please note the following safety tips. Never give up information that you are uncomfortable sharing:
Exact location
Full name
Government ID
Personal pictures
Ask questions such as:
Why did you open up your house to me?
What are your social media profiles?
What types of pets are allowed, and how many?
What age range for children is acceptable?
Will I be separated from my family upon arrival?
Is there space to park my car?
How far will you drive to pick me up?
What is your name?
Do you have children?
Ask to video call or for pictures of:
Where you will be staying
Who you will be staying with
The surrounding local area
Some red flags to note:
Red Flag: If your host asks you for goods and services in exchange for your stay, such as babysitting, household chores, or asking for money.
Red Flag: If your host asks you to go on a date or perform sexual acts in order to stay there.
Red Flag: If the person at the location isn’t the person you’ve been talking with.
Red Flag: If the host refuses to share pictures/videos of their accommodation.
Red Flag: If the host requires your financial details or passwords to stay.
There can be many red flags. If you feel something may be unsafe, trust your instincts and look for another host.
If you ever feel in danger, call the local police hotline:
Poland: 112 (English or Polish language)
Hungary: 112
Moldova: 112
Romania: 112
Slovakia: 155 (Ambulance), 150 (Fire), 158 (Police)
Belarus: 03 (Ambulance), 01 (Fire), 02 (Police)
Germany: 112
UK: 999 or 112
Rest of the EU: 112
United States: 911
Help with Travel
FLiXBus is providing travel out of Ukraine to neighbouring locations search here:
Wizz Air is offering 100,000 free flights to Ukrainian refugees - you can book here
UK national rail services are offering free onward train travel to your sponsor destination
To make use of this scheme, you will need to show your Ukrainian passport and a boarding pass or ticket showing your arrival into the UK. The offer is valid across all train operators in England, Scotland and Wales, and you will have 48 hours from arrival in the UK to complete your journey.
GB Eurostar is also offering free train travel from France, Brussels or Amsterdam to London
Eurostar, the cross-Channel train operator, is offering free travel to Ukrainians entering the UK from Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam. The firm said that all those with a valid UK visa should speak to a member of Eurostar staff at Paris Nord, Brussels-Midi, Lille Europe or Amsterdam Central stations to receive their free ticket.
You can use to search and book travel across Europe
Help with Language - from Duolingo
Since the invasion of Ukraine began, we’ve experienced a large spike in people learning Ukrainian on Duolingo. While it’s wonderful to see that show of support and appreciation for Ukraine’s culture, it would not be right for us to profit from it. We will be donating all of the ad revenue from people studying Ukrainian on Duolingo to Ukraine relief.
These funds will support our partners at the UNHCR, IRC, and other organizations working to help refugees from Ukraine. Through these partners and others, we will also distribute codes for Duolingo Plus so refugees and their hosts can use the premium version of Duolingo for free.
End-to-End Sponsor process as observed by a helpful Sponsor
1) You need to start the whole thing off by registering your interest for the Homes for Ukraine Scheme. The link is here :
2) There is no "matching" service, so you need to find the Ukrainians you want to help yourself. Facebook Pages like this one are excellent, but there are also lots of other websites doing similar things ( for example)
3) Talk to the people you have selected to sponsor and make sure there is a good mutual match.
4) If everyone is happy, you then need to apply for the VISA's (in partnership with the Ukrainian ). To the best of my knowledge, you need to do one visa application for every person, including children. So for a family of four, you need to do four visa applications. I have seen differing advice to this, but this is what it says on the forms.
5) Apply for the VISAs here
6) The forms are arduous, repetitive, badly designed and will make you want to stick pins in your eyes. However, stick with it as if it saves one family, it will be worth it. Your first form will take about 1.5 hours to complete but you will get quicker on any additional ones.
7) At the end, you will get directed to a third party site, where you must upload a PDF version on the relevant documents. Make sure your Ukrainian refugee has given you copies of their passports etc. It is likely that they may be a photo in JPG format, so you will need to convert them to PDF. Lots of free software can do this (some links in earlier posts)
8) Upload the documents and complete. You will see the word "submitted" in the top right of the screen.
9) If you return back to the original visa website, it may say that you still have additional steps to do. This is download a document or a checklist. Download both and keep safe. Open the visa application and make sure it has a submitted date on it and an application number.
10) You are done for now! Eventually you or your Ukrainian will receive an email from Sheffield UKVI office saying that they have received the application. Although I have submitted 4 at the same time, at the time of writing, I have only received 3 back!
11) This appears to trigger the local authority to come into play. They phoned me directly and said they would be doing a home inspection, which is scheduled for tomorrow.
12) They have sent us a link for all adults in the household to complete a DBS check. Even though we both hold them already for the work we do, you need to do it again!
13) So, that's as far a we have got so far! If anyone is further down the line than this, please feel free to add on......
Guidance for Councils
As you can see from above, the VISA application process appears to trigger the involvement of the local council. This is the information being given to councils:
These are the questions on the VISA application
Запитання щодо оформлення візи до Великобританії – англійською та українською
Найкраще надіслати їм українську версію та повідомлення одночасно, попросивши відповісти на запитання 1, потім 2 і так далі. Тоді ви можете заповнити онлайн-форму від їхнього імені.
Чи є у вас дійсний закордонний паспорт України?
2. Згадується біометричний паспорт. Чи можете ви надати копію українського паспорта як частину заяви?
3. Ми заявляємо, що 31 грудня 2021 року вашим домом була Україна, чи не так?
4. Ваша електронна адреса?
5. Створити пароль?
6. Чи є у вас інша електронна адреса?
7. Усі телефонні номери, включаючи міжнародний код?
8. Це номер мобільного?
9. Ви використовуєте його для бізнесу?
10. Чи є у вас інші номери телефонів?
11. Чи можна з вами зв'язатися по телефону з уряду Великобританії?
12. Текстове повідомлення, добре?
13. Ваше ім'я, яке вказано в паспорті англійською мовою?
14. Вас коли-небудь знали під іншим ім'ям? Приклад дівочого прізвища (до одруження)?
15. Сімейний стан? Розлучені, овдовіли, розлучені...?
16. Поточна адреса та поштовий індекс?
17. Потім особа, яка заповнює форму, заповнює інформацію від імені спонсора.
18. Дані паспорта: номер видачі, дата видачі, термін дії, місце народження? Чи легше відправити копію паспорта через Facebook-месенджер, оскільки копія знадобиться пізніше.
19. Чи маєте ви коли-небудь або маєте інше громадянство чи громадянство?
20. Якої дати ви плануєте прибути до Великобританії? Ставимо через тиждень. Він діє до 90 днів.
21. Ви коли-небудь були з якоїсь країни; відмовили у візі, відмовили у в’їзді на кордоні, відмовили у дозволі на перебування чи залишитися, відмовили у наданні притулку, депортували, видалили, вимагали виїзду, виключено чи заборонено в’їзд?
22. Чи ви коли-небудь в'їжджали до Великобританії нелегально, залишалися у Великій Британії після закінчення терміну дії вашої візи або дозволу на перебування, порушували умови вашої відпустки, наприклад, працювали без дозволу або отримували державні кошти, коли у вас не було дозволу?
23. Чи давали ви коли-небудь неправдиву інформацію, подаючи заявку на візу, дозвіл на в'їзд або дозвіл на перебування, порушували імміграційне законодавство Великобританії іншим чином?
24. Чи маєте ви кримінальну судимість?
25. Чи мали ви коли-небудь покарання за порушення водіння?
26. Чи був на вас арешт або звинувачення, за які ви зараз перебуваєте або очікуєте суду?
27. Чи мали ви коли-небудь застереження, попередження, догану чи інше позасудове стягнення?
28. Чи є у вас рішення цивільного суду проти вас, наприклад, несплата боргу, провадження у справі про банкрутство або антигромадська поведінка?
29. Чи було накладено на вас цивільне стягнення, винесене згідно з імміграційним законодавством Великобританії?
30. Чи займалися ви в рамках свого найму чи іншим чином займалися оплачуваною чи неоплачуваною діяльністю від імені уряду не Великобританії, про яку ви знаєте, що є небезпечною для інтересів або національної безпеки Сполученого Королівства чи його союзників?
31. Чи займалися ви коли-небудь іншими видами діяльності, які можуть свідчити про те, що вас не вважають людиною з хорошим характером?
32. Чи є інша інформація про ваш характер або поведінку, про яку ви хотіли б повідомити нам?
33. Чи працювали ви коли-небудь у будь-якій із наведених нижче організацій, оплачуваних чи неоплачуваних? Збройні сили - кар'єра, збройні сили - обов'язкова національна або військова служба, уряд (включаючи державну або цивільну адміністрацію та невійськову обов'язкову національну службу), розвідувальні служби, організації безпеки (включаючи поліцію та приватні служби безпеки), організації ЗМІ, судова влада (включаючи роботу як суддя чи магістрат)?
34. Тепер вони повинні прийняти умови; якщо ви перебуваєте в Великобританії без дозволу; вас можуть затримати, вас можуть притягнути до кримінальної відповідальності, оштрафувати та ув’язнити, вас можуть видалити та заборонити повертатися до Великобританії, вам не дозволять працювати, ви не зможете орендувати житло, ви не зможете вимагати будь-яких пільг і може бути притягнуто до кримінальної відповідальності, якщо ви спробуєте, з вас може бути стягнута плата за медичне лікування, вам може бути відмовлено в доступі до банківського рахунку, DVLA (орган водійських прав) може заборонити вам керувати автомобілем, забравши ваш водійські права.
35. Чи можете ви підтвердити, що розумієте та приймаєте ці умови?
36. Надсилаючи цю заявку, ви підтверджуєте, що, наскільки вам відомо та переконаєтеся, що наступне є правильним:
37. інформація, що стосується заяви
38. підтверджуючі докази
39. Я розумію, що дані, які я надав, можна використовувати, як зазначено в політиці конфіденційності
40. Я даю згоду на те, щоб організації, у тому числі фінансові установи, надавали інформацію Міністерству внутрішніх справ, коли її запитують щодо цієї заявки.
41. Я розумію, що будь-які паспорти/проїзні документи, подані на підтвердження моєї заявки, які залишаються неодержаними через 3 місяці з дати їх готовності до отримання, будуть повернуті до офісу органу, який видав документ. Якщо це станеться, Візовий центр зможе повідомити, куди надіслано документ.
42. Я обговорював з іншими заявниками, від імені яких я дію, і підтвердив, що зміст заяви є правильним і повним.
43. Я погоджуюся з умовами.
44. Я розумію, що якщо буде надано неправдиву інформацію, у заявці може бути відмовлено, і я можу бути притягнутий до відповідальності, а якщо я є заявником, мені може бути заборонено відвідувати Великобританію.
45. Я підтверджую, що: (Обов'язково)
46. Я є заявником у віці від 18 років
47. Я заявник віком до 18 років
48. Я є батьком або законним опікуном заявника, якому не виповнилося 18 років, і я заповнює та подає форму від їхнього імені
49. Я подаю форму від імені заявника
а. Якщо вони хочуть, щоб ви надіслали форму від їхнього імені? Позначте останній варіант.
50. Потім вам потрібно натиснути підтвердження, щоб додати документи на сторонній сайт у нашому випадку TLS, який перевіряє від імені уряду Великобританії.
51. Завантажити документи
а. Паспорт України - PDF
б. Паспорт спонсора - PDF
c. Довідка про проживання в Україні до 1 січня 2022 року - PDF
d. Виписка з банку для українських осіб (за можливості) - PDF
UK VISA Application Questions – English and Ukrainian
Best to send them Ukrainian version and Message at the same time, asking them to answer question 1 then 2 and so on. Then you can complete the online form on their behalf.
1. Do you have a valid international Ukrainian passport?
2. It mentions biometric passport. Are you able to provide a copy of your Ukrainian passport as part of the application?
3. We are stating that your home was Ukraine on the 31st December 2021, is that right?
4. Your Email address?
5. Create a password?
6. Do you have any other email address?
7. All telephone numbers including international code?
8. Is that a mobile number?
9. Do you use it for business?
10. Do you have any other telephone numbers?
11. Can you be contacted by telephone call by the UK Government?
12. Is text message, okay?
13. Your name as it appears on your passport with English spelling?
14. Have you ever been known by any other name? Example maiden name (before marriage)?
15. Relationship status? Divorced, widowed, separated ….?
16. Current address and post code?
17. Then the person filling out the form completes the information on behalf of the sponsor.
18. Passport Details: Issue number, Issue Date, Expiry Date, Place of Birth? Is it easier to send a copy of the passport via Facebook messenger as a copy will be needed later.
19. Have you ever or do you currently hold another nationality or citizenship?
20. What date do you plan to arrive in the UK? We put one week later. It is valid for up to 90 days.
21. Have you ever been from any country; refused a visa, refused entry at the border, refused permission to stay or remain, refused asylum, deported, removed, required to leave, excluded, or banned from entry?
22. Have you ever entered the UK illegally, remained in the UK beyond the validity of your visa or permission to stay, breached the conditions of your leave, for example, worked without permission or received public funds when you did not have permission?
23. Have you ever given false information when applying for a visa, leave to enter, or leave to remain, breached UK immigration law in any other way?
24. Do you have a criminal conviction?
25. Have you ever had a penalty for a driving offence?
26. Have you had an arrest or charge for which you are currently on or awaiting trial?
27. Have you ever had a caution, warning, reprimand or other out of court penalty?
28. Do you have a civil court judgement against you, for example, non-payment of debt, bankruptcy proceedings or antisocial behaviour?
29. Have you been issued a civil penalty issued under UK immigration law?
30. Have you as part of your employment or otherwise undertaken paid or unpaid activity on behalf of a non-UK government which you know to be dangerous to the interests or national security of the UK or its allies?
31. Have you ever engaged in any other activities that might indicate that you may not be considered a person of good character?
32. Is there any other information about your character or behaviour which you would like to make us aware of?
33. Have you ever worked for any of the following types of organisations, paid or unpaid? Armed forces - career, armed forces - compulsory national or military services, government (including public or civil administration and nonmilitary compulsory national service), intelligence services, security organisations (including police and private security services), media organisations, judiciary (including work as a judge or magistrate)?
34. They now need to accept the conditions ; if you stay in the UK without permission; you can be detained, you can be prosecuted, fine and imprisoned, you can be removed and banned from returning to the UK, you will not be allowed to work, you will not be able to rent a home, you will not be able to claim any benefits and can be prosecuted if you try to, you can be charged by the national health service for medical treatment, you can be denied access to a bank account, DVLA (driving licence authority) can prevent you from driving by taking away your driving licence.
35. Can you confirm that you understand and accept these conditions?
36. By sending this application, you confirm that to the best of your knowledge and belief the following is correct:
37. the information relating to the application
38. the supporting evidence
39. I understand that the data I have given can be used as set out in the privacy policy
40. I consent to organisations, including financial institutions, providing information to the Home Office when requested in relation to this application.
41. I understand that any passports/travel documents submitted in support of my application, which remain uncollected after 3 months from the date they were ready for collection, will be returned to an office of the authority that issued the document. If this happens, the Visa Application Centre will be able to advise where the document has been sent.
42. I have discussed with any other applicants that I am acting on behalf of, and confirmed that the contents of the application are correct and complete.
43. I agree to the terms and conditions.
44. I understand that if false information is given, the application can be refused and I may be prosecuted, and, if I am the applicant, I may be banned from the UK.
45. I confirm that: (Required)
46. I am the applicant aged 18 or over
47. I am the applicant aged under 18
48. I am the parent or legal guardian of the applicant who is aged under 18 and completing and submitting the form on their behalf
49. I am submitting the form on behalf of the applicant
a. If they want you to submit the form on their behalf? Tick the last option.
50. You then need to click on the confirmation to add the documents on the third-party site in our case TLS who check on behalf of the UK Government.
51. Upload Documents
a. Ukrainian Passport - PDF
b. Sponsor Passport - PDF
c. Ukrainian Evidence of residence before 1 January 2022 - PDF
d. Ukrainian persons Bank Statement (if possible) - PDF
Additional files on the Facebook UK accommodation for Ukrainian refugees Group - such as checklists and VISA requirements