Knowing Right from Wrong

A few values that wouldn't go amiss down at the House of Commons - courtesy of my "code of conduct" training:


INTEGRITY: Integrity is at the heart of everything we do. We are honest, ethical and upfront because trust is at the foundation of our relationships with our customers, our communities, our stakeholders and each other.
RESPECT: We know it is critical that we respect everyone at every level of our business. We champion diversity, embrace individuality and listen carefully when others speak.
PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE: We hold ourselves to a very high standard of performance. We prize innovative ideas and the teamwork it takes to make them realities. We never stop asking ourselves how we can make the customer experience better, and every day, we find an answer.
ACCOUNTABILITY: We take responsibility for our actions as individuals, as team members, and as an organization. We work together, support one another and never let the customer — or our co-workers — down. 


What these are, are principles: tools to guide decision-making. Not "rules" - there are far too many real-world scenarios to possibly create rules for in black and white. Instead, with these principles, we use our skill, judgement and honesty to choose what is right and wrong. You can't claim "it was within the rules" if it breaks one of the principles.

Tough huh? Reality, actually, Mr. MP.

I do actually agree with Stephen Fry's blundered attempt (by his own admission) to highlight that there are more important matters of business at hand for politicians to be dealing with. But - and maybe I differ from Stephen here - it raises a significant issue for me: without an even basic level of integrity, do I trust those hands to deal with those bigger matters? I have a bitter taste in my mouth. Personally I have never cheated any expense system, no matter how strong the temptation; even though Stephen reckons most people would. Sad day.  

Here's a couple of scenarios that one can use these principles to judge:

I had some personal expenses on a business trip and didn’t have a personal credit card to pay them. Can I use my business card for personal expenses and reimburse the company later? 

(the answer is "no", of course)

An employee, who travels often and usually documents her expenses well, makes a business trip from Boston to Chicago. On her T&E reimbursement submission she lists a flight valued at 600 but does not have a receipt for the ticket. When questioned, she explained that she has a friend whose family lives in Chicago. “So instead of getting one plane ticket,” she says, “I got two first class train tickets and took my friend with me. It didn’t cost any more, so I figured that it was okay.”  Is this acceptable?

(the answer is also "no", of course)

The latter plays straight into the grey area that many MP's seem to habit - one's mind can only boggle at what actually went on before receipts had to be submitted for expenses claimed - a practice unthinkable in any modern corporation. 

Time to flush out the cistern?


Working at Verizon - 1 week in...

Things I like

  • It's a big company - you can do stuff small companies can't
  • The toilets smell nice (by which I mean the airfreshener has a particularly pleasing fragrance)
  • There is someone employed to come clean up the cups and glasses at the sink several times a day
  • Free tea, instant coffee and milk. Three outlets to buy freshly made filter coffee (and the prices are sensible)
  • All the IT and Facilities people I have met seem very friendly and welcoming
  • I'm in a great award-winning team of people that I already know
  • My team can really make a difference
  • The salad is awesome and excellent value
  • everything I learnt at BT Global Services is going to apply here


Thing I dislike 

  • It's a big company - getting things done can be a bit slow & frustrating
  • I've been issued with a blackberry / crackberry / crapberry / bolockberry - this has to be one of the most hideous devices invented. It is neither good as a phone nor good as a mobile computing device. It took me three days to work out how to make the font readable. Viewing a new text message takes 4 clicks as opposed to 1 on my Sony Ericsson mobile. (This could be a whole other blog).
  • It's 120 miles away from home
  • The canteen food is expensive (and I've already put on weight)
  • everything I learnt at BT Global Services is going to apply here


CNN says rock is dead? ran an article titled “What will save rock 'n' roll?” which included an interview with Steve Van Zandt and some others

The short version, in the article Steven, and others, claim people are not buying music and albums because “they suck” and bands don’t know how to rock.

Somehow, they feel, bands just don’t know how create music that inspires.

With all due respect, bullsh*t.  And shame on CNN for running a news story based on a few people’s uneducated opinions.

There is more music being created and recorded today then ever before in the history of humanity.  Although sheer volume of music creation does not make it good, the fact that more people are creating it certainly increases the odds. Hell, just having access to affordable gear and recording equipment (like your Mac) allows more music to come to life, both the terrible and the incredible.

What Steven and CNN don’t seem to know, or acknowledge, is that the real “music industry” is that thing over in the corner main-stream media is not reporting on and not aware of.

There are between 150 to 300 releases a day via TuneCore alone.  I have to suspect that Steven has heard perhaps less than a percent of a percent of them.  You want the opinion from the guy running TuneCore, now the largest distributor of bands, labels and music in the world, there is more great “rock”, “punk”, “dance”, “hip hop” “classical”, “funk”, “folk”, “country” etc etc than there has ever been before.  And this is why IT IS SELLING.

(follow the references link for the rest of this article)

Click here for TuneCore