Controlling room temperature with Netatmo "occupancy detection" and IFTTT

Thanks to the addition of Heatmiser range to the online automation service IF (formerly IFTTT - "if this then that") it's now possible to control room temperature using inputs from your other IFTTT-friendly IOT devices. In my case, Netatmo weather station. 

In my house, heating for every room is individually controlled by a Heatmiser Neo thermostat, each running an individualised programme of temperature gradients throughout the day, tailored to each room. During the summer most of these are just on standby, meaning in practice unless the room drops below 12 degrees C, the heating will never come on.  

My child's room is the exception, because we don't want him to ever get too cold, and some days he naps in the afternoon; so his thermostat is always active. So far so good. Except when you open the windows, perhaps for fresh air during the day, and it turns cloudy, the temperature drops and the heating comes on and heats the great outdoors. 

Finally, I have a solution which does not involve adding sensors to the Windows.  

The first step is to use Netatmo indoor station as an occupancy detector. Over the last year I've charted the correlation between occupancy and CO2 levels and in general found that an occupied room tends to read >500ppm CO2 and unoccupied room is below that. Of course if you open the window the CO2 level drops to almost zero very rapidly. So, this basic threshold measure can be used as a simple detection of empty room and/or wIndows open.  

IFTTT recipes to control Heatmiser thermostats based on occupancy (CO2) 

IFTTT recipes to control Heatmiser thermostats based on occupancy (CO2) 


Of course, you might ask what happens if the windows are open while the room is occupied. Good question - but in our case it never happens; our child is young, so for safety when he is using the room we always have the widows locked shut. 

This simple trigger forms the basis of the input to an IFTTT recipe which controls the Heatmiser thermostat in the same room. If the CO2 levels drop (room empty or Windows open) then the thermostat is set to 'standby' (this stops it following its daily program) and if CO2 rises again ( = occupied) the standby mode is deactivated and the normal program continues to run. 

This way we hope to avoid those costly mistakes where we have opened the windows and forgotten to adjust the thermostat; or unnecessarily heated an unoccupied room.  

For the future we can explore whether outdoor temperature, wind speed and rainfall can be used to optimise performance of the indoor heating.   

Make your own wake-up clock lamp with lifx

One of the first things I did with the lifx lamp in my bedroom was create a 'wake up lamp'. You know - a lamp that increases in brightness in the morning to help you wake gently.  

It was fine. Then one morning I had a flash of inspiration. 'Wouldn't it be great if it was also a clock?' 

it occurred to me, that since the lamp can change colour as well as brightness, the colour could be used to indicate the time, while the brightness helps to wake me up. And so the lifx wake up clock was born.  

Below is a screenshot of the scenes I have used to create this. My wake up period is divided into 15 minute Windows and each window is brighter than the last and a different colour and uses a slow ramp to smooth the change. The numbers in the theme titles indicate the target intensity, just for easy identification.  

A set of lifx scheduled to create a wake-up clock/lamp

A set of lifx scheduled to create a wake-up clock/lamp

My choice of colours follows more-or-less the rainbow, so that I can remember it in a hazy stupor. Of course, you could do anything. The idea being, then, that as I drift awake, the colour of the light tells me which 15 minute time window we are in. 

Simples. Now just waiting for the dark winter mornings to really test it out.  


More Sugru projects

I use Sugru around the home and car a lot, both indoors and outdoors.  

So here's a few more simple improvements made around the house. 

First up, the classic charging cable strengthening (iPad 2) - no mystery here. 

With a 2 year old about, the iPad cable needs a bit of strengthening  

With a 2 year old about, the iPad cable needs a bit of strengthening  

Next up, finger grips for a small remote control to help stop it sliding out of the hand. 

Sugru finger grips  

Sugru finger grips  

Finally, the ultimate tool you can never find: a pointy sticky sharpish thing to perform resets and extract SIM cards. This wee metal pin came as the on/off control with my solar lights - but a paper clip would do the same job. ​

Device reset tool

Device reset tool

Add a Sugru handle - voila! ​

Two new Sugru projects

Sugru has become my go-to DIY material. First I consider if the job can be done with Sugru, and if it can, I will.  

Magnets add a an extra dimension of usefulness - and although you can buy Sugru branded magnet packs, it is in fact cheaper to buy alternatives in bulk.  

The first part of this project is a magnetic mount for a solar step light on our back path. Not much point wiring up a light when this location faces South west and gets oodles of sunlight.  

The magnetic mounts mean no drilling, some adjustment possible in the exact position of the light, and of course completely undoable without damage. The solar light is metallic and will stick without modification. Quick, clean, simple, no tools! 

Sugru used to create magnetic mounts.  

Sugru used to create magnetic mounts.  

Part 2 of the project is to position the mount for my new netatmo outdoor sensor. It's just a plastic clip with a lug on it.  As it has no screw holes, Sugru is perfect to mount it.  The ideal position is under the front porch canopy.  

Netatmo internet connected weather station.  

Netatmo internet connected weather station.  

I used white Sugru and once afixed stuck some of the render chips back on top of it, so you can hardly see it. Very pleased with the result. The netatmo sensor just slides onto the lug. Again, quick, clean, simple, no drilling, no damage! I love Sugru! 

Netatmo mount on render/chippings.  

Netatmo mount on render/chippings.  

Coming home...

​Well, at the time of writing there are two weeks to go, all being well. Two weeks until we relocate from the South East of England, to the country I call home: Scotland.

It's not something I've written about much - at all even - even though it's been in the works a good while. And the back story is long and winding. So, for now, I'll spare all that. This is a project, and it will unfold, and there will be plenty time for all that.

So, the grand plan is to build our own house, for which the wheels are in motion; and while that happens we are moving to temporary rental accommodation. We secured that earlier this month after looking for a suitable property for almost 6 months. I can tell you, I jumped on it! It's only about 5 miles from where we plan to build, so it will be handy as our build unfolds. ​

temporary home while our new one is built 

temporary home while our new one is built 

Our chosen destination is just inside the border of Scotland, a few miles from Gretna Green. This is Dumfries and Galloway, near the Solway firth.  Those that know me might wonder why we didn't venture as far as my childhood homeland in the Highlands; but in the end, practicalities around transport, access to my work etc. had to be part of the balance.  

Nonetheless,  it's a quiet rural spot with good access to transport links, Glasgow, Edinburgh and the North of England. (Carlisle, The Lake District, Newcastle, Manchester even). In fact Dumfries and Galloway is a bit of an unsung gem of Scotland - the countryside is unspoilt and rolling, the Solway coast edges the region with some decent beaches, and life is fairly rural. This is just what we want  for baba as he grows up. 

I'm certain we'll adapt to this way of life very easily - we are not really city folk :) and we both love Scotland. And we'll certainly relish being in striking distance of Edinburgh - our favourite city - as well as within striking distance of our relatives. The clean air and soft water, the wide open spaces and quiet surroundings, the cooler weather! All part of what we consider an improvement in quality of life. 

Let the adventure begin!  


What's Daddy doing with that Big Orange Thing

A poem to celebrate the fascination of a toddler, before it disappears...

I want to know what's happening!

I want to know what's happening!

So there was I, cutting the grass.
And there was he, slapping the glass.
He was slightly forlorn as I paced the lawn,
Following me close with each pass

He wanted to see the machine 
Making grass look so short and so green.
Delighted to see the big bin
Where dad chucked the grass cuttings in.

On the window he slapped,
Applauded and clapped,
With a very wide grin 
He couldn't keep in.

I've never felt quite so adored 
Doing jobs where I'm usually bored.
Feelings of great fascination;
A young boy's complete admiration.

I'll enjoy this, it won't last forever;
One day daddy won't seem so clever.
So I'll take all I possibly can
Of the innocent love of wee man

Into the Great Wide Open

I haven't written much during the first year of bambino's life, so this post comes a bit out of the blue. But then we're about to embark on a big new chapter (more later) so maybe now's the right time to start filling in the blanks.

You can't possibly encapsulate over 12 months of parenthood in one short posting, but this post is about this weekend, which was magical.  

After months of threatening, last weekend our wee man finally decided to start letting go of daddy's hand and begin walking solo. Tentatively at first. Of course.

But by this weekend his confidence, and the weather, was good enough for him to go it alone on the green outdoors. This was firstly significant for the fact we are leaving, so I'm pleased he got chance to use the green. I'd always known when I moved here it would  be a brilliant place for kids, so in fact a part of me is a little sad we'll be leaving it behind. 

trying to get up a run

trying to get up a run

But secondly this was significant because it was also quite emotional. As a developmental step, our wee baba is now capable of being independent outdoors - that's a pretty big deal. And quite amazing to see him take his first few exploratory steps in the great wide open; and absolutely loving it to boot... Soaking up the fresh air and the crunch of ripe grass underfoot with excitement and abandon.

If he loves the outdoors, he's going to love what's coming..​

Ode to Skoda

Just had my car MOT'd at ALS Lock Skoda, and as usual Skoda asked me for feedback. When they asked why I rated the service the way I did (excellent by the way), my initial response was rejected as too short! pfft!  So, I decided on a bit of poetic license to expand it out.

My Octy is aging; now needs MOT
I called ALS (she was bought there, you see)
Their garage is handy, just a few miles away
So, taking it there doesn't ruin my day.

I dropped her off early, they then ran me home
saying "when she is ready, we'll give you a phone;
If there's anything wrong, we can do the repair"
Said with a smile, so you feel that they care.

The job was done quickly, with minimum fuss.
She passed all her tests - well done me ol' bus!
The car had been washed, the test had been done,
all safely approved for another year's fun.

Sometimes you're worried, prepared for a fright,
but I'm happy to say, the price was just right.
So, they came to collect me, no quibbles, no moan;
I like ALS, cos it just feels like home.

Great Management Quotes

“The first people had questions and they were free. The second people had answers, and they became enslaved.” - Wind Eagle, American Indian Chief

“If you don’t like change, you’ll going to like irrelevance even less.” - General Eric Shinseki, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army

“It makes all the difference in the world whether we put truth in the first place, or in the second place.” - John Morley

“The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear.” - Herbert Agar

“Great leaders build a workforce for the future. They are human capital developers. Great leaders always ask themselves: “Am I prepared for what’s next?” They invest in themselves by constantly learning.” - Jonathan Fietzer

“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends” – Walt Disney

“It is not a question of how well each process works; the question is how well they work together.” – Lloyd Dobens and Clare Crawford-Mason

“An ability to embrace new ideas, routinely challenge old ones, and live with paradox will be the effective leader’s premier trait.” – Tom Peters

“The highest challenge inside organizations is to enable each person to contribute his or her unique talents and passion to accomplish the organization’s purpose.” – Stephen R. Covey

“It is never too late to be who you might have been.” – George Eliot

“Leadership is a combination of strategy and character.  If you must be without one, be without the strategy.” – General H. Norman Schwarzkopf

“Trust becomes a verb when you communicate to others their worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.” – Stephen R. Covey

“I can teach anybody how to get what they want out of life.  The problem is that I can’t find anybody who can tell me what they want.” – Mark Twain

“Don’t measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but what you should have accomplished with your ability.” – John Wooden

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” – Anatole France

“For every failure, there’s an alternative course of action.  You just have to find it.  When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.” – Mary Kay Ash

“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” – Harry S. Truman

“Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison

“Strategy gets you on the playing field, but execution pays the bills.” – George Eubanks

“A life isn’t significant except for isn’t impact on other lives.”  - Jackie Robinson